Zentangle is...

The Zentangle® Method, created by Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts, is an easy to learn, fun and relaxing way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Joey's Weekly Challenge #115 / Salad Days

Yesterday at lunch with my husband, I remarked that I had never been really clear on the expression "salad days". He whipped out the tablet and read: "Salad Days: noun. The period when one is young and inexperienced. The peak or heyday of something." Those two definitions, to my mind, are contradictory, and have always confused me. To my further puzzlement, I learned that this expression originated in 1606, in Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra, when the latter lamented her "salad days, When [she] was green in judgment, cold in blood"!
I digress.
Joey's challenge this week was inspired by her spring planting and the Roman numeral XV. The patterns all related to veggies: Chard, Corn Rows, Black-eyed Peas, Garlic Cloves and Seedlings. Pretty clever, that Joey!

Happy Planting, Joey! In closing, I "leaf" you with a picture of my salad days, circa 1992.


  1. Very beautiful tile! I like the transition from Black Eyed Peas to Corn Rows

  2. Very nice! Love the 'sparkle' on chard and garlic!

  3. Very nice! Love the 'sparkle' on chard and garlic!

  4. Beautiful tile, great contrasts!

  5. Gorgeous tile! It's such an elegant composition and I especially love those "Corn Rows";-)


I appreciate your comments and suggestions!