Zentangle is...

The Zentangle® Method, created by Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts, is an easy to learn, fun and relaxing way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Diva's Weekly Challenge # 262

This week's Diva Challenge was to use Fassett, a fairly easy triangle tangle that looks really architectural when you finish. I sat down to draw while my husband was on the phone trying to save our house from washing down the hill into the creek. I knew this was really stressful for him, so I handed him an albeit fake tile and a ballpoint pen. The Good Wife. I totally zenned out with the blue ink on the renaissance Zendala tile. And I think our house is going to be okay!

Thanks for stopping by! Have a great week!


  1. Beautiful. I can see how you would have zenned out doing this. I like the touches of red and the very faint tangles on the side.

  2. Beautifully done! I hope all is well with your house.

  3. Sometimes the setting and emotion around us during our time drawing is embedded in our minds within that tangle. I look back at many of mine remembering drawing after spending time with my mother, or a really good breakfast in the summer one day. I'm glad your house is safe and you are free to create! Sarah.

  4. Very pretty zendala. I a bit amazed at how relaxing "Fasset" to draw now that I've learned to draw bigger. I'm glad it helped relax you during a stressful time. I'm glad you and your house are safe.

  5. I love, LOVE this!!!! Hope your house is OK!!!!????

  6. Very beautiful zendala! I hope you're house is going to be OK? It sounds quite stressfull...

  7. This is great and I had to look for a while to try to work out what made it special - it's the white. It just lifts the whole thing. Nice work.

  8. Glad to hear the you didn't wash away, but your tile during this stress is lovely! Beautifully done!


I appreciate your comments and suggestions!