Zentangle is...

The Zentangle® Method, created by Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts, is an easy to learn, fun and relaxing way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Joey's Weekly Challenge #107

Waiting to see my doctor this morning, I somewhat self-consciously pulled out my small sketchbook and thought I'd try Joey's Roman numeral VII challenge. I was almost finished with my Eye-Wa, Bubblz and Purk when I heard, "Ms. Sparrow?" Once in the examination room, with a proper desk, I decided to add in Gotcha, which I was practicing a few days ago. A pat on the back: I had almost finished!

When I got back home, I decided to check Joey's challenge again. Oops. I had completely forgotten to include her requested tangles.
Nipa, which I had never used, happened to fit in with what I had already done.
Do you ever tangle in waiting rooms?
Thanks for stopping by! And thanks for the many well wishes for our house! The first company came today to do an estimate. They assured me that we would need at least two good rains before we're sleeping with the fishes ;)


  1. Yes, I have tangled in a waiting room and I take my hat off to you. My efforts might have been calming, but rather messy looking and not worthy of showing anyone. Your Nipa looks a little like the sand I was walking on this morning so that is two tangles the beach looked like :-)

  2. Great composition! I love your pattern choices and the tiny Gotcha is most impressive.

  3. Beautiful, Jennifer! I love your grey Nipa and the tangle in the center (I do not know the name...) it has a perfect balance in the tile. Greetings!

  4. tangling in waiting rooms...yeah. for like four hours yesterday waiting on a friend's surgery. I am SO glad i had my tangling stuff with me. It made things all much easier. Meanwhile, what a yummy tile. I like the "other" patterns here, too. it's fun to look at.

  5. Glad to hear about your house! Your tile looks pretty, good job you managed to put Nipa in. And yes: zentangle is great to fill Those 'empty' waiting moments :-)

  6. Lovely tile. I once went to the gynecologist and was so engrossed in my tangling that when it was my turn, I realized that he was an hour late!


I appreciate your comments and suggestions!