Zentangle is...

The Zentangle® Method, created by Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts, is an easy to learn, fun and relaxing way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns.

Monday, January 16, 2023

How did that happen? (See it grow: Week 2)

I just came back from an awe-inspiring weekend at Lake Mattamuskeet, NC, watching waterfowl, in particular, tundra swans. Thousands of giant white birds, with 6-foot wingspans, "snowbirding", as it were, in the balmy--to them--waters of North Carolina's largest natural lake. They had come from the Arctic Circle to feed and pass the winter. Even with the 25-mph winds and the subfreezing temperatures, Lar and I couldn't take ourselves away from them. 

What's this got to do with my art? Nothing, and everything. I've written many times about how nature is a constant source of inspiration. This time, I didn't have my hand-made journal to document patterns. I wasn't even looking for them, if I'm being perfectly honest with you! I was just swept away in the moment, many of them, admiring the swans' beauty and grace and humor. And this morning, when I started thinking about my blog, I had totally lost track of time. Somehow, I was about to post week 3 of my "See it grow" series. But when I looked at my art, I realized I hadn't done week 3. Oh, no! Was I a week behind? With a full schedule ahead of me, I started to panic. "I'll never have time to do the art and the post." I started planning my work out. After at least 10 minutes, I realized I was due to post week 2, not 3. Everything was in place and ready to go. Time to put aside my memories of the weekend and be here now. How did that happen? Nature had gotten in my head, and I liked it!

Here's week 2 of "A Fragment of Your Imagination":

The Fragments

A few new friends

When have you lost track of time at the sight of something wonderful?

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