Zentangle is...

The Zentangle® Method, created by Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts, is an easy to learn, fun and relaxing way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Try This

 Are you a "Pinner"? With so many platforms available to explore Zentangle patterns, I probably use Pinterest more than any other. There are lots of step-outs, and my Zentangle board has multiple categories and almost 2,000 pins! Of course, the problem with that is actually looking at what I've pinned! (Sort of like digital photos. How often do we go back and enjoy them?) I recently made a board called "Try this" to combat the problem. I've been checking it often, and using the tangles I find there. Once I've used them, I remove the pin. (You can check out my pins under "Jennifer Sparrow", @mockspar.)

Here are some tangles I tried this week. I enjoyed choosing a colored tile for each one. For me, it's an instant boost of interest and motivation. And since these tiles often use a single pattern, there are fewer choices to make, so more time to relax.

FluxEcho and Krosnaught


Ha-nuka (variation, aka mistake!)

Playing with soft triangles and petals

From the 7F5RStudio workshop on the Singapore Botanic Gardens.
Tile 2: "A Picture of Perfection", with Growhita, Dealys and Oof and Debbie New's "Whats-Itz" string technique. 
This was my second attempt. Turning off the video, focusing on detail and deliberate strokes made for a satisfying experience.

Fragment of Your Imagination Challenge 2022, from 7F5RStudio.
Week 4

How do you collect new tangles? Any new favorites?

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