Zentangle is...

The Zentangle® Method, created by Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts, is an easy to learn, fun and relaxing way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns.

Friday, May 3, 2024

When you need to rest

This week has been teaching me to rest and listen to my body, so I don't have a lot to show. 

"Ankh: The Key of Life", a CZT AE lesson by Rashmi Agarwal, CZT, had me drawing on vellum again. I created a papyrus-like texture on the "back" of the tile and added the ankh symbol on the front.

Gelly rolls and pastel pencils on the back

Microns on the front

Can you see the additional blue I added on the back?
It represents the Nile. The egg represents birth/life and the arms represent
the earth, with papyrus and the blue lotus flower.

I recently purchased some lovely papers from Pink Monarch Prints. They inspired this mixed media art journal page, which had my head spinning. I lost my sense of up and down! When I caught my upside down text, I covered it with an arrow pattern called Schway (as in "which way?"). I had to put it aside before I could finish it. I like the text on top.

Everytime I looked at, I heard Maria saying, "There's no
up or down in Zentangle!" Grateful for this tenet of the Zentangle Method!

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