Zentangle is...

The Zentangle® Method, created by Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts, is an easy to learn, fun and relaxing way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Zendala Moments 07 and a humble homage to Margaret Bremner

It seems another month has gone by, and kids are preparing to go back to school. My retired friends and I will be together celebrating another year of NOT going back to school, another endless summer :) The Tour de France ended a few weeks ago, after keeping me glued to the TV every afternoon for two hours. I calculated that I spent 40 hours watching it. (I missed a day!) Luckily, I was watching the abbreviated version. That's about all my back and hips could stand!

I tried to use this time "productively", that is, for tangling! In particular, I chose to do a study of Margaret Bremner's tangles and tiles. Her work has always fascinated me as unique in its starkness, with lots of black and white blocking, but rich in textures, too. I still don't understand it, as you can see by my description! I added 56 tangles to my collection, and then started studying her strings. I've made a new gratitude journal, which is "pre-strung" now, thanks to Margaret's inspiration!

Project Pack 06 videos are out, with their "No mistakes" lessons. The supplies center around 2-tone tiles, simulating the ink-stained pages of a journal. These take me back to Bremner's bold tiles, with lots of black areas. Together, they inspired my Zendala Moments 07 tile. You can see where I spliced the two pieces together. Not intentional, but, oh, well--no mistakes!

And finally, another cartouche:

My daughter and grand-dogter ;)

Love and peace!