I tried to use this time "productively", that is, for tangling! In particular, I chose to do a study of Margaret Bremner's tangles and tiles. Her work has always fascinated me as unique in its starkness, with lots of black and white blocking, but rich in textures, too. I still don't understand it, as you can see by my description! I added 56 tangles to my collection, and then started studying her strings. I've made a new gratitude journal, which is "pre-strung" now, thanks to Margaret's inspiration!
Project Pack 06 videos are out, with their "No mistakes" lessons. The supplies center around 2-tone tiles, simulating the ink-stained pages of a journal. These take me back to Bremner's bold tiles, with lots of black areas. Together, they inspired my Zendala Moments 07 tile. You can see where I spliced the two pieces together. Not intentional, but, oh, well--no mistakes!
And finally, another cartouche:
My daughter and grand-dogter ;)
Love and peace!