Zentangle is...

The Zentangle® Method, created by Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts, is an easy to learn, fun and relaxing way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns.

Monday, May 29, 2023

#The 100 Day Project (9): Days 89-95

95 Down. 5 to go.

One clinker this week, but I really liked everything else. (And the clinker at least had a humorous side to being a clinker. Made me smile.)

Here's what happened:

And the class photo:

A few things I was thinking:
  • Begin every day as a beginner as you look for good things to add to your plate. The sea is always taking away and giving back.
  • Play. Especially when you have a lizard on your tile and an upside down "L".
  • Be you. Always. Even if no one else likes red and purple. (This ink came from another antique ink bottle. Vermillion.)
  • Senator Cory Booker recently posted a story about a 1974 Muhammad Ali appearance at Yale. Someone in the audience asked for a spontaneous poem. Not missing a beat, he replied: "Me. Whee!" We could all use some of that enthusiasm for who we are!
  • Remember all the gifts.
  • Another fortune cookie fortune. Patience. Ah, yes.
  • The clinker, with a splash of irony. This tile is overflowing with layers, where I covered what I didn't like!
Five more tiles, and then time to reflect on where I am now. I hope you'll stick around for the conclusion of my 100 day journey.

And in conclusion this week, I offer two larger pieces:

Faux eco-print, 6x6 in.

4x4 in.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

#The 100 Day Project (8): Days 82-88

The effect of sleep deprivation on creativity. This would be the subtitle for this post, if there were one.

The cat passed his inspection on Friday and is now allowed outside again. No more waking up at 3 am to crying.

I saw the orthopedist for a shot in the achy wrist, and most of the aches have diminished.

We're looking up here, and grateful! Grateful to have made it through the week, through more 2x2 inch art pieces.

Here's what happened:

In case you're wondering...
  • Why did I try to draw a Northern Flicker? I happened to spot one in my yard Tuesday evening, for the first time ever. After identifying it, I read about how it's considered a symbol of harmony, balance, creativity, endurance, strength and courage. I could use all of that, so I decided to give it a go and mark the moment.
  • What's up with "handle"? I was inspired by the xray of my wrist, and how all those little bones fit together to create this incredible tool that we so often take for granted. I am grateful for these bones, and how my hand allows me to handle life.
  • Is that a Panera bag? Yes. This morning my dear Lar kindly went to Panera just to get my favorite breakfast: a butter croissant and coffee. He is love.

Enjoy your sleep and creativity.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

#The 100 Day Project (7): Days 75-81

This will be a short post. It's been a long Mother's Day here, preceded by a long week nursing our rescue cat as he learns the ropes about living inside and we learn the ropes about, well, him. I haven't had a nap today, and can hardly think! You will probably realize, by the following tiles, that my energy has been low lately. (Maybe yours has, too? It is that time of year when we change activity levels, with the coming of warmer weather and longer days.) I thoroughly enjoyed making these, and finding ways to make art without too much strain on my hand and wrist.

I have used two fortune cookie fortunes and a picture of a Greek town from a cookie box. (Cookies!) "An unexpected relationship will become permanent." "You desire recognition and you will find it." The tangles were partly inspired by the free "Be Well" lessons for Mental Health Month that Zentangle is offering from May 11-May 31 on their YouTube channel. I hope you'll check it out.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

#The 100 Day Project (6): Days 68-74

I'm 63. I have those "senior moments" where I may go into a room and forget why. I think many of you are in the same boat.

But this week, fraught with anxiety about the cat we are rescuing, I frequently had Tuesday and Thursday mixed up. I invited a friend to the cinema on Tuesday but said it was for Thursday. I went to my Thursday lab appointment on Tuesday. This incident was particularly vexing for me, because it involves getting up early and fasting, two of my least favorite things, especially since "fasting" means no coffee. But I dutifully drove to the lab in a neighboring town, pulled out my phone for online check-in, and saw that I was 2 days early. Aargh. Thursday, not Tuesday. No mistakes, right? Rather than getting worked up and chastising myself for yet another mix-up, I decided to treat myself, as I usually do after these lab appointments. I put in my order for my croissant and coffee at Panera. (I love Panera.) I found a table in the sun, pulled out my tile from my purse, and immediately found myself thinking, "Why am I here?" Not in the everyday way of "Why did I come in here?", but rather "What is this moment truly about?" The answer wasn't very complicated. Enjoy the moment. Enjoy the simple pleasures: sunshine, soft music, hot coffee, a buttery croissant. And after I left Panera, I continued to be aware of the pleasures, the little things of the day. And on Thursday, I repeated the same delightful Panera experience...after the lab appointment!

Distress ink background, Lindy's pigment swatches and sepia Micron PN

I have kept up my daily drawing for #The 100 Day Project this week. I've continued using stamps and collage as it is easier on my hand and wrist. You will notice that Day 72 is only stamps, on a prepared background. (Preparing backgrounds has been especially relaxing this week.) This was C-Day, when we took the cat to be neutered. The vet found a hernia that he mended. This has complicated the whole affair somewhat, but my beloved Lar,  aka Catmandu, has adapted valiantly.

I have a few comments on some of the tiles from the project.

Day 68
525,600 minutes in a year to love and be loved.
From "Rent"
One of my favorite songs, and tiles.

Days 73-74 and 74 bis

I bought this antique ink bottle and reconstituted the ink.  I painted the black tile with the ink, and drew my design with a Signa Uno pen, which, to my disappointment, remained white. So I tried a white tile, covered with the ink. The Signa Uno pen remained white, but the Gellyroll from Sakura let the blue come through. Yay! The upper right tile is on white paper. I used white distress ink on the stamps. The blue came through. Yay! This experiment made me happy, and reminded me that it's okay.

The whole bunch. (Comblee=brimming over with joy and gladness)

Wishing you moments that allow you to enjoy your humanity this week and always.