Zentangle is...

The Zentangle® Method, created by Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts, is an easy to learn, fun and relaxing way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns.

Monday, April 12, 2021

I am enough

In the past few months, I've been exploring some past wounds and learning to heal. These wounds all resulted in feeling inadequate, which led to lots of anxiety and worry, even sadness. One piece of my artwork captures the statement that has opened the door to healing and strengthening, moving on*. 

 2.5 inch x 3.75 inch distressed tile. I am enough.

I believe that so many of us suffer from anxiety due to feelings of incompetence or inadequacy in our lives, particularly in our artwork. In Zentangle, we practice "No mistakes", and face unexpected turns in our drawing as new opportunities. We work through, around and even over these missteps with no eraser. This is one of Zentangle's life lessons. 

Picasso said, "Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up." We experience disappointment--frequently due to comparing ourselves to others--and continue to hear the disparaging voices of family, teachers, friends, coworkers, bosses as the years go by. Much like my distressed tile, our self-image and confidence lose their luster, and gain some nicks and scratches. Our task is to quiet those voices, so that we may hear the small voice inside that says, "I am enough." I am definitely not perfect, but the imperfection in me leads me to discover strengths and possibilities that I hadn't seen before, and that are most likely unique to me. We learn to create, to hone our unique capabilities and become who we really are, as opposed to who others expect us to be. That, I believe, is the ultimate creation of a lifetime!


The Tapping Solution is a holistic technique based on Chinese acupressure points and modern psychology. It is designed to resolve a range of issues that cause distress. Tapping on meridian endpoints, while addressing the distress, sends a calming signal to the brain and allows you to feel relaxed and in control. This is a free and self-administered therapy that you might find useful.