Zentangle is...

The Zentangle® Method, created by Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts, is an easy to learn, fun and relaxing way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Diva's Weekly Challenge #249: Happy Anniversary, Laura!

The Diva's Weekly Challenge is 5 years old!! Congratulations, Laura Harms, for reaching this milestone, and for always giving us interesting challenges that spark our creativity. Thanks, too, for sharing your life with us, your beautiful children, your celebrations and your sorrows, and your celebrations!! You are truly an inspiration, as an artist, a parent, a teacher, an activist, a human being! A true gem!
Here's my celebratory duotangle, with Aura Knot and Diva Dance. (BTW, did I mention that you ROCK?)


  1. I like the way the Diva Dance spirals around the star.

  2. Pretty tile. I love the addition of the gem!

  3. Love the wider spaced Diva Dance, very novel. Great duotangle complete with the irritable zengem.

  4. Beautiful!! And another gem ;) One day I'll be bold and give it a whirl...until then, I sure do enjoy viewing others' fabulous talents!

  5. Wow, very beautiful indeed!!! Thanks for your new year wishes on my blog. I hope this year will bring you 'what you need'.

  6. Great tile with that extra sparkle in the middle!

  7. Very pretty! Bold, and I love the gem.


I appreciate your comments and suggestions!