Zentangle is...

The Zentangle® Method, created by Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts, is an easy to learn, fun and relaxing way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Joey's Weekly Challenge: VIII

Another "busy" week. April is National Jazz Month. Before you say, "So?", let me explain. I love music--classical, opera, rock, folk, world, you name it!--but jazz? Jazz is one of my vital organs. Durham, my city, is fortunate to have an incredible local jazz station, numerous jazz venues, 3 university jazz studies programs and more. Saturday last, Lar and I heard the Heart of Carolina Jazz Orchestra, with the amazing Stephen Anderson. Yesterday, we caught a free (!) show at the University of North Carolina with guest artist Bobby Floyd on a Hammond organ. Tonight, you'll find us at the Sax Appeal concert with the outstanding North Carolina Central University Jazz Ensemble from the UK! (Last night, Mary Stallings headlined there.) April in North Carolina is good for spring flowers, especially azaleas, and jazz festivals.
All this just to say that I finally sat down this morning to try to meet Joey's requirements for this week. As I am running low on white tiles, I took a crazy colored one and, colored pencils in hand, intensified the color. Out came my black 08 micron, just to embolden things a bit, and voilà. (The funky crescent moon came out of the Zentangle Primer. I had never thought to use triangles instead of half moons. Now that I have, I'm thinking it may be another pattern.  But this girl's stickin' to her story.)

Hope your week is filled with springtime or autumnal beauty and the music that makes you vibrate!  If you've got a moment, I'd love to hear what that is! If you need some new tunes, click on the links above.


  1. Great tile! I love the composition-especially how Fandango breaks apart at the ends. I'm guessing that's part of the idea of Fragments from the Primer. I don't foresee owning that at any point but I'm fascinated by the concepts I see popping up here and there. I'm sleuthing around to see if I can figure it all out;-) Well done!

  2. Lovely jazzy tile the colours are perfect to go with your post. In the past, for the Tangle Me Three Challenge I have replaced semi circles with triangles, Ixorus for example and I frequently wondered when a variation becomes a new tangle. Look at Tipple and Quipple for example, I would really call Quipple a variation. Drupe and Dyon is another example. I was interested to read in the Primer that it says even Maria isn't sure when a variation becomes another
    Tangle. Looking at yours today it certainly looks like a different Tangle Pattern.


I appreciate your comments and suggestions!