Zentangle is...

The Zentangle® Method, created by Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts, is an easy to learn, fun and relaxing way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Eaxy?? The Diva's Weekly Challenge #292

This week the Diva challenged us with Nadine Roller's tangle Eaxy. The idea is simple enough: upright X's support horizontal X's, which then support more upright X's, and so on.
I won't show my different attempts at learning the tangle, but I'll just say that my very first go at it was the best. The more I tried (thought?), the worse it was! I tried to put it on gridded paper to help me line things up. Nope. I tried to look for the meta-pattern of big and small boxes. Nope. So finally I decided to put away my paper, take an official tile, close my eyes, breathe and think of everything that I'm grateful for, and place my corner dots. Once I had done that, I remembered a photo my friend Didier shared on Facebook yesterday. He had visited a beautiful park in Lille, France, that had once been a city parking lot. (Here are some pictures of Le Jardin des GĂ©ants, but they are nothing compared to Didier's.) I remembered a particular path with interestingly shaped pavers. That became the center space of my Eaxy tile. And the rest fell into place. Another moment of Zen, letting go, and marveling at what happens.

Merci, Didier!
Next time you have a high focus tangle, I hope that you will let go and find your Zen.
Have a peaceful week.


  1. And your tile is beautiful with a well drawn Eaxy.Thanks for the story and the pictures!!!

  2. Lovely tile, elegant and organic.

  3. I really love your tile and your story! Thank you for sharing and trying eaxy! Best wishes from Cologne, Nadine

  4. This looks lovely with the very ornate surrounding patterns.

  5. A beautiful tile! Love what you did with it!

  6. I love how you ornately adorned your Eaxy! Looks beautiful!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Such a lovely tile after the successful fight against the perfectionism! And the photos are lovely... I Love the autumn colours!

  9. Gorgeous work Jennifer! Thank you so much for the great photos. Your post inspired my entry this week. I was truly vexed until I saw this;-)

    1. If we are ever in Lille, we must visit this Garden of Giants!

  10. You really capture the pathway! Lovely tile

  11. The zen, the process...that's what it's all about. You captured that beautifully. And your tile is lovely.

    1. I agree. It's all about the process, the 8 steps. I'm hopeless without them!

  12. I love your post!!! Wise words are spoken :-) (I do mean it). Your tile is gorgeous!!!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.


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