Zentangle is...

The Zentangle® Method, created by Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts, is an easy to learn, fun and relaxing way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Diva Weekly Challenge #244: Tripoli

Thank you, Laura, for this week's challenge to use Tripoli. It is the pattern I've spent the most time with, partly out of difficulty and partly out of love :) As I drew my tile, I was focused on my breathing, on turning the tile, on keeping my auras even. Whenever I draw it, I think of the Place de l'Etoile in Paris, where the streets come together under the Arc de Triomphe to form "une toile", a star. That always helps me. Today, I also thought about the victims and their families from Friday's massacre. My Tripoli turned into a floating rectangle, which reminded me of "un tapis de prière", a prayer rug.

Thank you for visiting. I wish you peace.


  1. Lovely - and I do like reading about the thoughts you have while you work.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Beautiful piece Jennifer! I have the same apprehension with Tripoli. I love it but more often than not, it starts well but quickly goes off the rails;-) Thank you for the lovely comment you left on my blog, it's still one of my favorite tiles.

  4. Love it so much! Such a lovely idea!

  5. A prayer rug, just the right thing for today. How clever of you, so well drawn too.

  6. Beautifully presented and such wise words too.

  7. Beautiful words, thanks for sharing them together with your tile.

  8. Thoughtfully done and meaningful. Thank you for sharing.

  9. Tripoli is harder than it seems it should be. Given the events in Paris last Friday, it's interesting that your Tripoli composition turned into a prayer rug. My prayer is that Islam can be saved from its psychopaths.

  10. Tripoli is harder than it seems it should be. Given the events in Paris last Friday, it's interesting that your Tripoli composition turned into a prayer rug. My prayer is that Islam can be saved from its psychopaths.

  11. Nice work. Before I read your post my reaction to your work was, unique reminds me of a rug.

  12. It is so beautiful to see to what outcome your thouhgts leaded your pattern.

    "A single collective directed thought is all it takes to change the world."
    Lynne McTaggart

  13. Looks like a magic carpet. Love it.


I appreciate your comments and suggestions!