The Diva asked us for a duotangle, using Flux and N'Zeppl. Since I used my resulting tile for the InkTober challenge, I'll include it at the end, in chronological order.
InkTober Day 24: Dozen
Day 25: Tired (Quite à propos, n'est-ce pas?)
Day 26: Box, aka Wishing I had studied drawing perspective. (Sorry for the blue tint.)
Day 27: Creepy
Day 28: Burn
Day 29: Surprise
Day 30: Wreck AND the Diva's Duotangle. Weeds can totally wreck an inlaid stone terrace, you know.
And just for fun, 2 pictures from a walk in the Carolina North Forest, where I was trying to boost my creativity and come up with a drawing for "Burn".
Thanks for your patience! Have a fun, but not too scary, week!