Can you approach your chores with a creative lens this week?
Zentangle is...
The Zentangle® Method, created by Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts, is an easy to learn, fun and relaxing way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns.
Sunday, August 28, 2022
Broadening my definition of creativity
Can you approach your chores with a creative lens this week?
Sunday, August 21, 2022
How to make an easel for your tiles
Recently I saw a Pinterest post about making an easel with a clothespin. I tried it--super easy and inexpensive. However, it involved gluing artwork to the easel. Nono.
My Zentangle "What if...?" wheels started turning. Using an Apprentice tile easel lesson that Molly Hollibaugh had shared, I went to work. I can't find the lesson, so I'll recap.
1. Using a 4.5 inch square piece of card stock, or an Apprentice tile, fold three corners so that they meet in the center of the back of the tile. Fold the fourth corner to the front. Open the folds SLIGHTLY. Turn your fold over, so that the front is showing and the fourth corner is now on the bottom. This will be the base of your easel, on which you place your art.
Explorations and Artist's Dates
Are you familiar with Julia Cameron's book The Artist's Way? It was published 30 years ago, and, luckily, I recently discovered it through a morning meditation two weeks ago. "Mystery, not Mastery" was the phrase that intrigued me that morning, so last week, I started the book and its twelve-week program. At this point, I'm quite happy with it. One of the two actions that you commit to in the program is weekly artist's dates, where you make a weekly date with yourself to explore art / beauty in whatever form you choose--a trip to the dollar store to buy some new "stuff" to explore, a walk outside, a meet-up, a trip to a museum, etc. My artist's dates this week included some YouTube lessons and a meet-up with my Meals on Wheels card makers, or, as I now call us, the "Sisters of the Travelling Cards".
As part of some self-care that I needed, I purchased a lesson from 7F5RStudio called "Romantic Rosettes". Here's the first tile:
I did two of the Zentangle Project Pack 18 videos, too, in my journal:
Sunday, August 14, 2022
My first gallery piece!
Carrboro , North Carolina, is one of a few places in our state to have a Little Free Art Gallery. Similar to the Little Free Library movement, you can place your art here (or not) and take up to two pieces. A local artist and activist curates the little gallery so that it's frequently refreshed. And this week, I left my first piece there! A few days later, I noticed that the piece had been taken. (You can follow the gallery on instagram @littlefreeartgallerycarrboro.) I'm so grateful for this local expression of community, and for all those who join me in appreciating it! If you're here in the Triangle area, I hope that you'll check out the gallery, and maybe leave a piece of YOUR art!