Zentangle is...

The Zentangle® Method, created by Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts, is an easy to learn, fun and relaxing way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Broadening my definition of creativity

What does "creativity" mean to you? Until this week, I suppose I would have limited the idea to my drawing and blogging. As I continue reading and working on the tasks in "The Artist's Way", by Julia Cameron, I'm broadening my definition. 

Cameron writes: "The quality of life is in proportion, always, to the capacity for delight. The capacity for delight is the gift of paying attention." In Zentangle, I sometimes have a lot of "detailed work". Embellishments, line weight, texture, backgrounds usually involve small bits of pen strokes. When I walk in the forest, it's often the tiny details that bring me the most pleasure and awe. There's a supermarket commercial on TV with a blown up image of blueberries. I never get tired of seeing their little blossom ends, or "belly buttons", as I call them. That yellow-orange center inside the "petals" of the many-shades-of-blue blueberry always makes me laugh! It's this attention to little things that delights and inspires me.

While preparing for an out-of-town get-together with my cousins this week, I was planning and prepping the appetizers. There was nothing at all complex about it, just some crudites, crackers, dips, pickles. Thinking about the above quote, I decided to focus on the detail, and work as if I were tangling. In my garden, I wanted to prepare for being away by doing some much needed mowing, weeding and pruning. I tried to approach that task in the same way, with the Zentangle philosophy of slowing down to notice the little things, one stroke at a time. This small change in my perspective made me feel much more relaxed, calm, and creative, just like when I'm tangling. I quickly realized that the chores of prepping food and gardening had become creative acts. I was exercising my creativity in different ways!

With no pictures of my appetizers or garden, I offer you these few creative acts from the week:

Relaxing with my journal

Inspired by Project Pack 18, Day 5

A cover for my "Artist's Way" journal

Another journal entry inspired by Project Pack 18, Day 6

 Can you approach your chores with a creative lens this week?

Sunday, August 21, 2022

How to make an easel for your tiles

Recently I saw a Pinterest post about making an easel with a clothespin. I tried it--super easy and inexpensive. However, it involved gluing artwork to the easel. Nono. 

My Zentangle "What if...?" wheels started turning. Using an Apprentice tile easel lesson that Molly Hollibaugh had shared, I went to work. I can't find the lesson, so I'll recap.

1. Using a 4.5 inch square piece of card stock, or an Apprentice tile, fold three corners so that they meet in the center of the back of the tile. Fold the fourth corner to the front. Open the folds SLIGHTLY. Turn your fold over, so that the front is showing and the fourth corner is now on the bottom. This will be the base of your easel, on which you place your art.

2. Glue the clothespin easel to the center of the back, so that it supports the paper easel. (Sorry for switching to a black tile here.)

Voila! No more slippy tippy tiles! This would make a nice gift to go with your artwork. And, if you like, you can tangle on the sides of the Apprentice tile to make it more decorative!

NB: This post will be permanently available on the home page under "Pages" for your convenience.

Explorations and Artist's Dates

Are you familiar with Julia Cameron's book The Artist's Way? It was published 30 years ago, and, luckily, I recently discovered it through a morning meditation two weeks ago. "Mystery, not Mastery" was the phrase that intrigued me that morning, so last week, I started the book and its twelve-week program. At this point, I'm quite happy with it. One of the two actions that you commit to in the program is weekly artist's dates, where you make a weekly date with yourself to explore art / beauty  in whatever form you choose--a trip to the dollar store to buy some new "stuff" to explore, a walk outside, a meet-up, a trip to a museum, etc. My artist's dates this week included some YouTube lessons and a meet-up with my Meals on Wheels card makers, or, as I now call us, the "Sisters of the Travelling Cards".

As part of some self-care that I needed, I purchased a lesson from 7F5RStudio called "Romantic Rosettes". Here's the first tile:

I enjoyed this so much I did another version in my journal:

I did two of the Zentangle Project Pack 18 videos, too, in my journal: 

Day 2

Day 3
Maria did an amazing version of her tangle "Verdigogh" in this video. 
Just watching her draw is awesome.

I had these scraps from making my swatch sheet. 
I mounted them on colored card stock and then tangled inside the holes. 
Swiss Swatch!

Lar worked 4 days with a broken toe,
 so he got a little lunchbox tangle, with Gribbits and Cabbits, by Debbie New.

Just for me--and you!

Wishing you wonderful artist's dates!


Sunday, August 14, 2022

My first gallery piece!

Carrboro , North Carolina, is one of a few places in our state to have a Little Free Art Gallery. Similar to the Little Free Library movement, you can place your art here (or not) and take up to two pieces. A local artist and activist curates the little gallery so that it's frequently refreshed. And this week, I left my first piece there! A few days later, I noticed that the piece had been taken. (You can follow the gallery on instagram @littlefreeartgallerycarrboro.) I'm so grateful for this local expression of community, and for all those who join me in appreciating it! If you're here in the Triangle area, I hope that you'll check out the gallery, and maybe leave a piece of YOUR art!

My Zendala is on the bottom left.

Among my other explorations this week, I tried another tan tile with Lindy's Magicals in "Umbrella Drink Pink". I used a pink Metallic Gelly Roll and a Silver Shadow Gelly Roll.

I also tried a new tangle from @tangledpursuits, or Debbie New, from 7F5R, called "Sing-fanie". It's basically a cursive "s" drawn in 4's or 5's around an orb. She's so clever!

And on Friday, I picked up my new "readers". I've had bifocals for years, and never managed to use the reading lenses to my satisfaction. To compensate, I bought readers from the dollar store. But because my vision is so different in my left and right eyes, I was twisting my head funny! (If you've ever taken a class with me, you've probably noticed!) So I finally decided that I was tired of the "thunk" sound in my neck, and got some single vision glasses for reading/drawing. I literally rushed to my drawing table when I came home to try them out. And everything felt so ... out of focus! Slowly, I'm getting used to them now. This was my first go at drawing with them:

ZTHQ has released Project Pack 18, which teaches us to use a translucent paper with different tools. I followed along with the free video for Day 1, and used the materials I had on hand. Because the paper is translucent, the design appears on both sides. The Silver Shadow pen, whose ink actually separates as it dries, looks silver on one side and purple on the other.

Wishing you exciting explorations this week!

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Happy 300th!

300 posts since 2016! Whew! Thank you for all your encouragement and support over the years! I couldn't, wouldn't have come this far with you!

I'll jump right in with a relevant tile from this week, that was not originally intended as a subject for my blog. Serendipity strikes again!

Yes, "Remember how far you've come." This was a meditation one morning this week. I needed a "note to self" to help me to remember to remember. Even though some days require more energy and strength than others, it can help to put them in context with your entire journey. Think of all the rough patches you've been through, of how you've survived challenges and hardships that are just a part of life. Remind yourself of your strength, of what it felt like to move through them into calmer times. What did you do to get through them? Did you call on your friends, your family, your faith, your furry friends? Where did you find resilience? Did you go for walks, do meditation, write in a journal, draw, listen to music, workout? As you remember how far you've come, how can it help you continue your journey?

My week continued with a lovely treat from Lar, through a gift card to Lindy's Gang. New toys, new colors! I've been working on making swatch charts for all the colors I have. (I have way too much fun making these!) To add to my nerdy fun, I bought these little palettes from the Dollar Tree to have the colors at the ready! I'm using my 1-inch hole punch to make the swatches, which I glue onto my spreadsheet. (I'm laughing as I type this!)

I started trying the Lindy's Magicals on Renaissance tiles this week. I had seen examples of this on the 7F5R Studio website, and would never have imagined that they could be so beautiful. The color sinks into that buttery soft tan paper, while the glitter seems to glaze the surface. I'm learning how to work with them. Here is my first go:

I wish you could see the shimmer better. My photo doesn't do it justice.

Here are two white tiles with the Magicals. I used a glaze pen in the first to create a little 3D effect.

Finally, a traditional black and white tile from my journal.

I invite you to remember how far you've come, if you face any difficulties this week. And please remember how much I am thankful your support.
With gratitude and appreciation.