Zentangle is...

The Zentangle® Method, created by Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts, is an easy to learn, fun and relaxing way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

#The 100 Day Project (8): Days 82-88

The effect of sleep deprivation on creativity. This would be the subtitle for this post, if there were one.

The cat passed his inspection on Friday and is now allowed outside again. No more waking up at 3 am to crying.

I saw the orthopedist for a shot in the achy wrist, and most of the aches have diminished.

We're looking up here, and grateful! Grateful to have made it through the week, through more 2x2 inch art pieces.

Here's what happened:

In case you're wondering...
  • Why did I try to draw a Northern Flicker? I happened to spot one in my yard Tuesday evening, for the first time ever. After identifying it, I read about how it's considered a symbol of harmony, balance, creativity, endurance, strength and courage. I could use all of that, so I decided to give it a go and mark the moment.
  • What's up with "handle"? I was inspired by the xray of my wrist, and how all those little bones fit together to create this incredible tool that we so often take for granted. I am grateful for these bones, and how my hand allows me to handle life.
  • Is that a Panera bag? Yes. This morning my dear Lar kindly went to Panera just to get my favorite breakfast: a butter croissant and coffee. He is love.

Enjoy your sleep and creativity.

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